Rules & Regulations


  1. The requirements for operation of Long Island Aviators aircraft are: Adherence to appropriate FARs, meet pilot currency requirements, the current insurance requirements, and operate within the rules and regulations of the organization.
  • Operate within the guidelines of LIA's LIA SOP 2024 12-24-24
  • Pilots (renter) may operate and rent at a regular rate or block rate.
  • Fuel, oil and maintenance/repair are the only reimbursable expenses allowed.
  • Fuel purchases at airports other than FRG or airports where LIA maintains fuel accounts will be made by the renter(s).
  • Fuel and/or oil purchases will be credited to the renter’s account provided original receipts are submitted within thirty (30) days of purchase. Fuel purchased by renter will be credited in the amount of the receipt or the current fuel price at Republic Airport (KFRG), whichever is lower. Fuel credits will at no time exceed the current per gallon fuel price at the airport home base, KFRG.
  • All pilots should be aware of the aircraft’s status, and are responsible for aircraft after accepting it.
  • Any problems, squawks or damages must be reported to the office immediately.
  • Flights outside the United States must be arranged within thirty (30) days of departure and with the approval of LIA management. Liability insurance coverage with an appropriate insurance company may be required and is to be obtained by the member at the member’s expense; a copy of said policy must be submitted to the company fifteen (15) days prior to departure. Any other requirements for flights outside the United States are at the member’s expense.
  • Grass fields are prohibited.
  • Multi-engine aircraft are only permitted to operate in and out of 4000′ long runways or more.

As respects Single Engine, Fixed Gear Aircraft:

Any pilot approved by the Named Insured or their designee, provided that the pilot has valid medical and pilot's certificates and is properly rated and current under the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations for the operation involved.

As respects Multi-Engine Aircraft:

Any Private, Commercial or ATP pilot who holds a valid instrument rating and is properly certificated by the FAA for the operation involved, and who has a minimum of 250 total logged flying hours, of which 25 hours are in multi-engine aircraft, and 10 hours are in the make and model insured herein; or in lieu of 25 hours in multi-engine aircraft and 10 hours in the make and model, pilots must receive at a minimum of 10 hours of dual flight instruction in the same make and model insured herien from a Flight Instructor under the employ of the Named Insured.

  • Single-engine aircraft are only permitted to operate in and out of 2500′ runways or more.
  • Cross-countries are restricted to 350 n.m, without prior approval.
  • Hand propping of aircraft is prohibited.
  • Formation Flight is prohibited.
  • In the event of a maintenance occurrence away from KFRG, Long Island Aviators is not responsible for room and board or transportation for the renter and their passengers.


  1. Record ending Hobbs and Tach readings on the flight sheet. Include the name, date, hours flown, oil added and list all landings and any other data as appropriate.
  2. Leave fuel tanks topped off, and/or notify an administrator. The Cougar fill to 40 GAL tabs (each side).
  3. Record and report any squawks to the management immediately.
  4. Remove all trash, personal effects, etc. from the aircraft and secure it in the appropriate tie down.
  5. Aircraft must be grounded upon discovery by a pilot/student/renter of any defect that affects flight safety. Only LIA management and/or a maintenance officer may release the aircraft for service.


  1. Each pilot (renter) desiring flight privileges must hold a current Student, Private, Commercial, or ATP pilot certificate and a current FAA medical certificate.
  2. Long Island Aviators requires that all pilots maintain flight status. Each pilot must meet the following requirements:
  • Must meet minimum FAA Recent Flight Experience requirements within the past ninety (90) days, flight time as PIC of an LIA aircraft within the last 120 days or had a check out with a certified and approved LIA flight instructor.
  • Must meet the insurance and company-required qualification criteria for the aircraft to be flown.
  • LIA has provided this list of Aircraft Insurance Companies with competitive rates:


  • Starlink or call 800-888-9859
  • Avemco or call 888-241-7891
  • Assured Partners or call 800-622-2672

Insurance Policy MUST BE for a YEARLY TERM PERIOD

  • Must successfully complete check-out in each aircraft of interest prior to making flights as pilot in command.
  • Must have a personal policy of $40,000 Aircraft Damage Liability Insurance at his/her expense for any flight without a certified instructor onboard
  • Long Island Aviators reserves the right to change the minimum aircraft damage liability insurance requirement. Notification will be provided via email as well as on
  • Pilot/Renter will be held fully liable for any and all damages and/or lost revenue caused by the pilot/renter's actions


  1. All reservations are made via the Internet using
  2. Each canceled reservation should be updated for verification on the scheduling system as soon as possible regardless of weather conditions or other phenomena.
  3. Reservations are to be made exactly for the time period required.
  4. If late more than thirty (30) minutes, his/her aircraft will move on to the next scheduled reservation.
  5. All flights must return at the scheduled time; if tardiness is caused by a mechanical or weather difficulty, then an administrator must be informed immediately.
  6. Failure to utilize the aircraft during the reserved time slot is subject to a penalty of a 25% for the length of the reservation. This may be waived by an administrator with a valid reason, i.e. weather, sickness emergency. Cancellations of more than 24 hours are not subject to a penalty.
  7. The following daily minimums apply:
    Minimum Billable Hours for C172, C182, PA28
    Hours Scheduled
    (08:00 AM - 08:00 PM)
    Weekdays Weekends/Holidays
    More Than 4 2 3
    More Than 8 4 6
    More Than 12 6 9
    Minimum Billable Hours for C152, GA-7, PA34
    Hours Scheduled
    (08:00 AM - 08:00 PM)
    Weekdays Weekends/Holidays
    More Than 4 2 3
    More Than 8 2 3
    More Than 12 2 3


Will be established by the Long Island Aviators, and will be subject to periodic evaluation and adjustment to meet the corporation’s operating costs. Rates are  published on the website,

Fees for aircraft rental, equipment and instruction are due at the time of rental  and/or instruction. In the event of nonpayment within fifteen (15) days thereafter, interest will accrue at a rate of 1.25 % per month until the balance is paid in full.

In addition, the renter/student is responsible for reasonable attorney  fees and court costs in connection with any collection efforts or actions necessitated by nonpayment Note: Pilot and student accounts must be current to maintain flying privileges and instruction at Long Island Aviators.

Returned check fee, $30.


  1. All pilots and CFI’s must be approved by a certified flight instructor, who is already approved by Long Island Aviators, and meet the minimum required qualifications under the company’s insurance policy.
  2. All members and CFI’s are responsible for cleaning the aircraft after their flight or lesson, removing any garbage and personal effects, and securing the aircraft at the original tie down.
  3. All lost and found items should be turned in to an administrator who will place them in a safe place in the company’s office.


  1. When a member/or renter purchases additional flight time or prepays for flights (block time), it is reimbursable according to the following terms:
  • Long Island Aviators will fully reimburse within 24 hours.
  • More than 24 hours up to 72 hours (3 days), Long Island Aviators will charge a 10% penalty fee.
  • If more than 72 hours up to thirty (30) days a 20% will be charged.
  • Anything more than thirty (30) days is NOT REIMBURSABLE.

LIA SOP 2024 12-24-24